According to the forecast for 2025, the total volume of container transportation along the Trans-Caspian route (Middle Corridor) will be 96,000 TEU, of which 88,000 TEU will be in the Aktau-Alyat direction, Report informs.
Calculations by Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO) and NMSC Kazmortransflot LLP show that with the current potential of the feeder fleet (four Kazmortransflot vessels and two ASCO vessels), it is possible to transport about 89,000 TEU from Aktau to Alyat.
In this regard, shipping companies consider it inappropriate to increase the number of vessels. Instead, they propose focusing on measures that will ensure the transportation of the planned container volumes without involving additional feeders.
Key decisions include dredging operations in the waters of the Caspian Sea ports involved in the TITR route, ensuring maximum loading of feeder vessels in the port of Aktau, reducing waiting times at berths in ports, and providing a sufficient number of container platforms for the timely removal of containers.
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