National Drama Theatre presents "Əsrə bərabər gün" performance based on Chingiz Aitmatov's novel

The Azerbaijani State Academic National Drama Theatre has presented the performance "Əsrə bərabər gün" based on Chingiz Aitmatov's novel "Gün var əsrə bərabər".

The review was delivered by the President of the Azerbaijani National Academy of Sciences, Academician Isa Habibbeyli, who highlighted the significance of Aitmatov's works in reflecting the spiritual world of the Kyrgyz people and the fate of humanity.

According to Academician Habibbeyli, Chingiz Aitmatov's writings are a testament to the unique identity of the Turkic world and its people. The writer's ability to convey the universal human experience through his stories has earned him recognition and respect from people around the world.

The performance, written and directed by Mehriban Alakbarzadeh, tells the story of a railway worker, Baykanur, who is forced to leave his native land to make way for a space station. The story explores the themes of identity, belonging, and the relationship between humans and their environment.

The performance features a cast of talented actors, including Nureddin Mehdiyev, Ali Nur, Lalezar Mustafaeva, Jafar Namiq Kamal, Besime Cefirova, Rafiq Azimov, Haci Ismayilov, Sabir Memmedov, and others.

In his review, Academician Habibbeyli emphasized that Aitmatov's works are a reflection of the human struggle to find one's place in the world and to preserve one's identity in the face of rapid change. He noted that the performance is a powerful exploration of the importance of preserving cultural heritage and traditions in the face of globalization.

The performance was preceded by an opening speech by Academician Habibbeyli, during which he wished everyone a pleasant evening and expressed his hope that they would enjoy the performance.

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