Assistant to the President: We want to see the European Union’s new policy regarding our region

"We want to see the European Union's new policy regarding our region. The arming of Armenia could be a new element of fragmentation," said Hikmet Hajiyev, Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan and Head of the Department of Foreign Policy Affairs of the Presidential Administration, during the panel session titled “Geopolitical Shifts: Responsible Partnerships versus Rivalry” at the 12th Global Baku Forum.

Noting that new realities have emerged after the post-Soviet era, the President's assistant emphasized that Azerbaijan approaches these realities with reliability.

"We do not expect anyone to shape the world order. We are trying to unite countries that share common views on the region. Azerbaijan is aware of the events occurring in its neighborhood. The Russia-Ukraine war and the developments in the Middle East are known. Considering these realities, we are working to strengthen Central Asia-Azerbaijan relations in our foreign policy. We have historical ties with these countries. The Organization of Turkic States is also a new reality. Georgia-Azerbaijan cooperation can serve as an example for Armenian counterparts. The Caspian Sea does not divide us; it unites us," he added.

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