Today we will be talking about natural remedies for headaches.

SIA reports that the following list was prepared by the Turkish doctor Mehmet Uchar.

Cold application. If you have a migraine, put a cold towel or ice pack on your forehead. This application helps to relieve migraine pain. But it is correct to continue this process by keeping the ice compress on the head for 15 minutes and taking a break for 15 minutes.

• Even if you have a cluster headache, still apply a cold compress or sit in a dark place.

• If you have a tension-type headache, place a heating pad (heating pad) or warm towel on the back of your head.

• If you have a sinus headache, apply a warm towel to the painful area or take a hot shower.

Do not chew gum, because it can tire and injure not only the jaw, but also the head. The same goes for nail, lip, cheek or pencil chewing. Avoid fragile and sticky foods. If you grind your teeth at night, ask your dentist for a mouth guard. This can reduce your headaches.

Fluid intake. Drink plenty of fluids. Lack of fluid intake causes headaches and worsens a person's condition.

Pressure on the scalp. If you wear your hair in a ponytail or tie it too tightly during the day, it can cause headaches. These "external compression headaches" are also caused by wearing hats, headbands and tight swimming goggles. If your headache is related to them, tie your hair a little loose.

Dark. Bright or flashing lights from a computer screen can trigger a migraine attack. If you have light-related headaches, you can cover the windows with dark curtains or wear sunglasses during the day. It is necessary to add anti-glare screens to the computer screen. It is beneficial to use daylight spectrum fluorescent lamps for your lighting.

Take caffeine. Drinking caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee is also good for headaches.

Application of tension. Stretching, yoga, meditation, or muscle relaxation are helpful for headaches and other types of pain.

Massage. Massaging your neck for a few minutes helps relieve tension headaches caused by stress.

Where are the massage pressure points for the head?

Treating headaches is as simple as pressing specific pressure points on your body. For example, to relieve headaches in the temporal bones, gently press them and rub slowly in circular motions.

To relieve headaches from eye strain, press the middle of your eyebrows with the tips of your index fingers, release, or apply pressure in small circles for one minute and release.

Rubbing the point between your thumb and forefinger helps relieve stress, headaches and other pain. To do this, find the space between the base of your thumb and index finger on your left hand. Press this point with your right thumb and index finger for 4-5 seconds. While applying pressure, slowly rotate your thumb in a circle. Similarly, apply this to your right hand.

Try essential oils. Medicinal peppermint and lavender essential oils are very useful for relieving headaches. Both have sedative properties that help relieve pain.

Rubbing a small amount of peppermint essential oil on the temporal bones relieves headaches. But do not rub the oil anywhere near your eyes.

Applying aromatherapy using lavender essential oil is also an effective and safe way to relieve migraine headaches. Diffuse it in an essential oil diffuser or rub a small amount into your palms, then rub your hands together and inhale the scent.

Foods. Foods rich in protein and fiber, such as almonds and cherries, also help prevent headaches.

Take magnesium. Magnesium, which is abundant in dark chocolate, dried figs, tahini, raw almonds, mackerel and raw pumpkin seeds, is a headache remedy. Most people with migraines or tension headaches have low levels of magnesium in the brain.

Ginger tea also helps relieve pain in people with migraines.

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