The Network of Climate-Vulnerable Countries Affected by Conflicts or High Levels of Humanitarian Needs hailed Azerbaijan's diplomacy in strengthening global peace, according to a joint statement following the Network’s First Strategy Meeting held in Abu Dhabi, Report informs.
On this occasion, the official statement issued by the COP29 presidency considers the Network's adoption of this important position paper as an essential step in the development of the platform established at the UN Climate Conference held in Baku last year.
Organized by the COP29 Presidency and hosted by the United Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), the meeting brought together high-level representatives of climate-conflict-vulnerable countries, international organizations, and financial institutions. Over the course of the meeting, the participants discussed practical steps to unlock climate finance and strengthen national capacities, with a view to better addressing the impacts of environmental vulnerability and conflict.
Following the meeting, Network members concluded the work on a Joint Statement, underscoring the urgent objective of reaching targeted solutions of increased financing, transparent policy frameworks and joint actions. The adopted statement also highlights the Network’s Roadmap of both the vision and timeframe of joint actions, including the development of scalable pilot projects.
The COP29 Presidency also thanks fellow State parties for high evaluation in the documents of COP29 Presidency leadership in further advancing the cause of vulnerable countries, in particular, the endorsement of the landmark Baku Call on Climate Action for Peace, Relief, and Recovery and its practical arm Baku Climate and Peace Action Hub (Baku Hub) developed within a unique partnership of Azerbaijani COP Presidency with Co-lead partners. Thus the Joint Statement recognized “the Baku Climate and Peace Action Hub (Baku Hub), forming for the first time in the history of climate diplomacy a concrete mechanism aimed at “fostering further action to deliver on identified solutions” for the benefit of climate-vulnerable and conflict-affected countries”.
The COP29 Presidency welcomed the joint stance by Network members, donor countries and other stakeholders to maintain momentum in the lead-up to key international forums, including the 2025 high-level climate and development summits, in coordination with the Baku Hub and its Co-lead partnership: "The COP29 Presidency reiterates its commitment to further engage through the Baku Hub with all relevant partners for supporting the Network and delivering on shared objectives while strengthening national capacities, forging joint action in line with our declared vision of 'Solidarity for a green world.'"
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