Former president of Montenegro: I am sure Azerbaijan is well prepared for COP29

“Azerbaijan can be an example with its food and its management experience,” said Filip Vujanović, the former president of the Republic of Montenegro (2003-2018), during his speech at the 29th high-level meeting on “Pathway to COP29: Sustainable and Resilient Future”, APA reports.

“Our planet is facing food and water problems. We are aware that about 40 % of global food production is going to waste, that overproduction occurs in every country, and that we need to solve the problem of food, its volume, structure, quality and distribution. People's lives and health are at risk in poor countries due to food shortages. In rich countries, food is being destroyed en masse. If the food is not fresh, if it is not colorful, they destroy it, it is very difficult to understand. That is exactly why global distribution of food is necessary for justice and humanity. I believe that for efficient activity in food distribution, it is necessary to use the experience of all countries".

He said that Azerbaijan is a good example in this regard.

"Azerbaijan is able to help with its food and its management experience, which, I think, can also be an interesting task of COP29. I am sure that Azerbaijan is well prepared for COP29 and the discussions within this conference, and I wish that these discussions will be successful. I expect successful results," he said.

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