Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson accuses Germany of lingering Nazi influence

Maria Zakharova, the spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has made a provocative statement, asserting that Germany has not yet fully rid itself of Nazis and harshly targeting official Berlin with "horrifying consequences."

Zakharova issued this statement following the leakage of discussions among German officials regarding a possible attack on the Crimea Bridge, SIA reports.

"Germany is not yet completely liberated from Nazis. If Germans don't rectify the situation, the consequences for Germany will be severe," she stated.

The German side's response has been marked by disapproval, but Zakharova expressed the expectation for more explanations. She criticized their responses, stating, "They are just talking nonsense, saying empty things like 'we'll see.' It is necessary to take responsibility for what is visible, not just talk but investigate."

Alexander Lambsdorff, Germany's ambassador to Russia, was summoned to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Although the diplomat spent 70 minutes at the ministry, he did not provide any statements.

The leaked discussions among German officials evaluating the possibility of an attack on the Crimea Bridge have created serious tensions between Germany and Russia. Following the information leakage, the German government announced that it has initiated an investigation into the matter.

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