Azerbaijan Army holds solemn ceremony on 26 June - Armed Forces Day

On the occasion of 26 June - Armed Forces Day, a solemn ceremony was held at the Training and Educational Center of the Azerbaijan Army, the Ministry of Defense told SİA.

The leadership of the Defense Ministry and other servicemen, families of Martyrs, war veterans and representatives of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Türkiye took part in the ceremony.

First, the memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and Martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was honored with observing a minute of silence. The National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan accompanied by a military orchestra was performed.

First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan – Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijan Army Karim Valiyev made a speech at the ceremony and conveyed the congratulations of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Minister of Defense to the event participants.

The Chief of the General Staff spoke about the history of the Azerbaijan Army and successful reforms carried out in the Army under the leadership of Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev.

The event emphasized historical importance of the glorious Victory gained in the Patriotic War under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, as well as the successful outcome of other operations.

It was noted that the Azerbaijan Army is ready to implement all orders and assignments of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev with high professionalism.

The event speakers expressed their gratitude to President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva for the attention and care shown to the Martyr families, military personnel, war participants and veterans.

Then the participants were presented with a video about the establishment of the Azerbaijan Army and the way to the glorious Victory gained in the Patriotic War.

The festive event ended with a concert program organized by the Army Ideological and Cultural Center named after Hazi Aslanov.

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