Awareness-raising event on “State guarantees for rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities” arranged as part of Human Rights Month

An awareness-raising event on “State guarantees for the rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities” was held at the Vocational and Labor Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Disabilities under the Social Services Agency of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Azerbaijan as part of the 'Human Rights Month-Long Campaign' declared at the initiative of the Azerbaijani Ombudsperson.

In her remarks, Ayten Tarverdiyeva, Head of the Unit for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the Ombudsman's Office, who participated at the event as a speaker, informed the participants about the obligations set out in the CRPD, the new relevant competences granted to the Ombudsman for the promotion and independent monitoring of the implementation of the relevant Convention, and the work carried out in this direction. Furthermore, the content of the appeals addressed to the Ombudsman regarding the rights of PWDs, the promotion of their health, education, and labor rights, ensuring accessibility, and the work being done to create an inclusive society.

The meeting also featured discussions and a Q/A session.

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