Azerbaijan Hosts International Student Conference on Social and Economic Research

The opening ceremony of the VII International Student Conference on Social and Economic Research, jointly organized by the Azerbaijan State University of Economics and Selcuk University of Turkey, took place.

The conference saw the participation of parliamentarians, faculty members from both universities, as well as bachelor's, master's, and doctoral students specializing in social sciences.

Addressing the opening speech, the Dean of TUDIFA, Professor Mehmet Yüce, emphasized the significance of the conference, stating that it would foster international collaboration and create networking opportunities at a global level among participants. He highlighted that nearly 100 research papers were presented at the international scientific conference, and selected top articles would be published in the "Journal of Social Economic Research" and "Journal of Selçuk University Social Sciences Institute".

Following this, Associate Professor Fariz Ahmadov, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, and parliamentarians Prof. Jalə Əliyeva and Müşfiq Cəfərov, along with the Chairman of the organizing committee, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ay, wished success for the conference in their speeches.

After the opening speeches, Professor Mustafa Ersöz, a member of TÜBA, presented on "Scientific and Technological Collaboration in the Turkic World: Steps Towards the Future" during the conference panel.

Subsequently, plaques were awarded to presenters by Selcuk University. The conference continued with engaging presentations by students on various topics.

The two-day international student conference concluded on May 3rd.

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