Azerbaijan marks National Salvation Day

June 15 is the National Salvation Day in Azerbaijan, SİA reports.

The complicated socio-political situation created a real threat of civil war in Azerbaijan in June 1993.

The 709th military unit deployed in Ganja disobeyed orders of the Defense Ministry, and the government sent troops to Ganja to suppress the military revolt. As a result of the negligent policy, the scale of revolt extended and became uncontrolled. Rebels were moving toward Baku and demanding a change of power. The government of that time led by the Azerbaijan Popular Front and Musavat parties understood that it couldn’t prevent the threat of civil war and therefore asked Heydar Aliyev for help.

Heydar Aliyev, a prominent public and political figure, who was the speaker of the Nakhchivan Supreme Majlis (parliament) at that time, accepted the insistent invitation of the government and came to Baku on June 9. Taking the mission to shield the country from the civil war, Heydar Aliyev left for Ganja at the risk of his life and as a result of negotiations, he prevented the extension of a civil confrontation.

On June 15, Heydar Aliyev was elected chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Azerbaijan. This was the beginning of a new successful phase in the contemporary history of Azerbaijan. June 15 entered the history of Azerbaijan as National Salvation Day.

This day has been celebrated as a national holiday in Azerbaijan since 1998.

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