Scientists have created an edible battery: Where can it be used?

Scientists from the Italian Institute of Technology have created a rechargeable battery from edible components that are digested without a trace in the human stomach.

Why is such a battery needed and where can it be used?

The battery, the prototype of which is described in Advanced Materials, operates at a human-safe voltage of 0.65V and delivers 48uA for 12 minutes. These 12 minutes are enough to carry out a diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract, after which the battery will be naturally digested. Therefore, in the future such a battery can be used in devices for internal diagnostics.

According to experts, it will also be possible to use such batteries in children's toys and even sensors for monitoring the freshness of products during long-term storage.

“Future potential applications range from edible circuits and sensors that can monitor health conditions to powering sensors to monitor food storage conditions,” said study lead author Mario Caironi, a molecular electronics researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology.

Moreover, given the safety level of these batteries, they could be used in children’s toys where there is a high risk of ingestion.

The battery's negative electrode, or anode, is made using riboflavin (vitamin B2), while scientists used another vitamin, quercetin, to make the cathode. The battery electrolyte is water-based, and the separator is nori seaweed, widely used in oriental cuisine.

Activated carbon was also included in the battery to improve electrical conductivity. And the external contacts for transmitting current to electronics are made of beeswax with the addition of food grade gold.

The prototype battery area is about 1 cm2, but the developers are now working on its reduction and other improvements, including increasing the capacity, which is very important, especially considering that it is unfortunately impossible to charge such a battery inside the body.

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