Azerbaijani MP: Social factors hold special place among main causes of climate change

A roundtable is being held jointly organized by the Center for Social Research (CSR) and the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).

Report informs that the roundtable is dedicated to the topic "COP29 - Green strategy, climate change and social sciences: challenges, tasks".

The roundtable was opened with introductory speeches by Zahid Oruj, Chairman of the Board of CSR and Chairman of the Committee of the Milli Majlis, and Professor Ilham Mammadzada, Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of ANAS.

In his speech, CSR head Zahid Oruj touched upon the topic "COP29: Issues of interdisciplinary cooperation of social sciences in Azerbaijan towards solving the global climate crisis" and noted that among the main causes of climate change are human factors, in other words, social factors:

"In this regard, the mutual cooperation of social sciences and the organization of joint research can be very effective in finding a way out of the global climate crisis. These sociological studies, the study of the mutual impact of economic growth on carbon emissions, urbanization, consumption patterns of goods and services, demographic trends, global inequality, and environmental pollution, accordingly, become a decisive field in the fight against climate change."

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