Russian Foreign Ministry considers Western structures biased assessments of elections in Azerbaijan

Biased assessments of the elections in Azerbaijan by Western structures do not correspond to reality, SİA reports.

This is stated in a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"Westerners and international structures affiliated with them have once again expressed biased and subjective assessments that do not correspond to the real picture of the democratic process in the republic. The observers sent by the Russian side through the OSCE ODIHR (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights) did not record any gross violations of citizens' electoral rights," the Russian diplomatic mission's website says.

"We expect that close and constructive cooperation will continue between the new composition of the deputy corps of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, in line with the allied relations between our countries," the ministry noted.

It should be noted that on September 1, early parliamentary elections were held in Azerbaijan.

A total of 112,749 local observers were registered to observe the elections. More than 65 thousand of them are representatives of political parties. The number of registered international observers was 598 people, representing 51 organizations and 69 countries.

Of the 990 registered candidates for the parliamentary elections, 305 are representatives of 25 political parties. ХAlthough 371 candidates are members of political parties, they were not nominated by the parties to which they belong. A total of 676 candidates have a political party affiliation.

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