The branch of Caspian Marine Services B.V. in the Republic of Azerbaijan has issued a statement regarding the detention of ships in the territorial waters of the state of Eritrea, the company said in a statement, SİA reports.
"For information, we would like to inform you that the ships "CMS Pahlavan", "CMS Igid" and "CMS-3", operated by the branch of "Caspian Marine Services B.V." in the Republic of Azerbaijan, have set off for the port of Abu Dhabi within the framework of their entrepreneurial activities and the voyage on the specified route is planned to be carried out via the Suez Canal. Noted that since the ships are expected to pass through risky piracy hotspots, there is a need to ensure security and for this purpose, a contract has been signed with the relevant company specializing in ensuring the protection of ships and the ships have been provided with militarized security teams of 2 people per ship.
On 07.11.2024, while the ships were passing through the coastline of the State of Eritrea, a decision was made to continue the movement by entering the territorial waters of the State of Eritrea due to weather conditions, and the ship captains attempted to contact the security and coast guard agencies of Eritrea via the international channel VHF-16 to provide information regarding the entry into territorial waters, but no response was received.
According to the report we received from the ship at around 10:06 local time on November 7, it was revealed that all three of the above-mentioned ships were detained by the Eritrean Navy at coordinates 13°23'N, 042°39'E. Thus, following the requirements of the Eritrean Navy, the ships changed course and arrived at the point designated by the Eritrean Navy, and after anchoring, they were involved in the inspection process by representatives of the navy.
It should be noted that there are 24 people on board the ships in question, including 18 Azerbaijani citizens and 6 foreign citizens.
As soon as the captains received information about the mentioned issue, our company officially appealed to the State Maritime and Port Agency on the same day, on 07.11.2024. Later, appropriate applications were made to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and all work was done in close cooperation with the aforementioned institutions to resolve the issue.
At the same time, it should be noted that relevant appeals have been made to the authorized representatives of the insurance company that insures the ships and to the relevant law firms of Great Britain, and the aforementioned organizations have also been involved in cooperation to expedite the resolution of the issue.
As a result of the negotiations, authorized representatives have been appointed by our company to achieve a resolution of the issue with the relevant institutions of the Eritrean state, and it should be noted that the relevant documentation process for the finalization of the inspection and the release of the ships is currently being completed.
It should be noted that the authorized representatives of the company are constantly in close contact with the crew members and there are no problems with the supply of food to the crew, as well as other supply issues. Also, all technical facilities have been provided by the company so that the crew members can periodically contact their relatives."
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