Constitutional Court approves results of the parliamentary elections held in Azerbaijan -UPDATED

The Constitutional Court approved the results of the extraordinary elections to the Milli Majlis (Azerbaijani Parliament) held on September 1, SİA reports.

According to the report, after the consultation, Chairman of the Constitutional Court Farhad Abdullayev announced the decision of the Plenum of the Constitutional Court.- 00:04

According to the decision, the Constitutional Court approved the results of the elections.

Thus, by the decision of the Constitutional Court, according to the final protocol of the Central Election Commission, the status of MPs of the persons who were elected as deputies in constituencies was approved.


Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Republic of Azerbaijan Mazahir Panahov answered the questions at the meeting of the Plenum of the Constitutional Court regarding the extraordinary elections held to the Milli Majlis (Parliament), SİA reports.

Later the judges went to a consultation.


At the meeting of the Plenum of the Constitutional Court regarding the extraordinary elections held to the Milli Majlis, the Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Court, the rapporteur judge Rovshan Ismayilov said that the protocol of the Central Election Commission (CEC) on the general results of the voting in connection with the parliamentary elections held on September 1, 2024, was reviewed in accordance with the constitutional procedure, SİA reports.

Rapporteur-judge Kamran Shafiyev informed about the complaints received by the prosecutor's office and the police regarding the parliamentary elections.

According to him, the Prosecutor's Office said that 13 complaints regarding the violation of electoral rights were submitted to the prosecutor's office, and criminal proceedings were initiated against 6 of them. Other complaints have been sent accordingly. Complaints did not affect the results of the election.

Baku Court of Appeal received 25, Sumgayit Court of Appeal 8, Sheki Court of Appeal 5, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Supreme Court 1, Supreme Court 12. The decision of the Court of Appeal on 1 case submitted to the Supreme Court was annulled.

Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov said that the results of voting in 46 polling stations were invalid. 3 of them were considered invalid by the district election commissions, 43 by the CEC. Election commissions of 35 polling stations in 17 constituencies have been dissolved.

6,433,184 people were included in the voter lists, 2,395,510 people voted. Voter turnout in the parliamentary elections was 37.24%.

Later, the judges of the Constitutional Court addressed several questions to M. Panahov, and M. Panahov answered those questions.

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