MP Aydın Huseynov: Azerbaijan is certain on its position

"The United States considers Azerbaijan to be the leading state of the region- the South Caucasus, discussing all sorts of issues with Baku and agreeing with our decisions. Washington's position in creating peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the work done in this direction is different from that of other political 'actors'. The projects implemented jointly by Azerbaijan and the United States have a sufficient role in ensuring peace in the region, as well as the rest of the world. The close participation of Azerbaijan in the peacekeeping mission in Afghanistan and Kosovo was highly appreciated by the United States. The logistics capabilities of our country were also widely used at the end of the US campaign in Afghanistan," MP Aydın Huseynov said in his statement to SIA.

The MP said that there are some reasons why US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was concerned about the situation in the Lachin Corridor in Azerbaijan during his phone conversation with President Ilham Aliyev.

"First of all, Antony Blinken wants to make it clear that the US is committed to the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan. This also creates the image of having a leading role in the negotiations on the resolution of the conflict in the South Caucasus for them. Of course, the establishment of peace is important for us and these initiatives should be welcomed. But how sincere and serious are those involved in peacemaking, this is a big question. President Ilham Aliyev's answer to what Blinken said about what happened on the Lachin-Khankendi road was interesting and consistent. The President noted that there is no blockade and emphasized that since December 12, 2022, about 980 vehicles have been allowed to pass through this road, which more than 850 of them belong to Russian peacekeepers, and more than 120 belong to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

The Azerbaijani President also emphasized that about 90 patients living in Karabakh and people in need of medical assistance have been taken to Armenia through the International Committee of the Red Cross. All of this shows that the Lachin-Khankendi road is not closed by Azerbaijan. He noted that the illegal exploitation of Azerbaijan's mineral deposits should be stopped in the Azerbaijani territories where Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed, and Azerbaijan should be provided with the opportunity to conduct constant monitoring and inspection in that territory. President Ilham Aliyev once again voiced more objective opinions about what is happening in the region and pointed out that the political picture imagined by the US official is not at all the same as described by the Armenian leadership. Despite all this, the President noted that our country is still committed to the peace process and the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan," the Deputy commented.

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