Two years passes since a military helicopter crash in Azerbaijan's Garaheybat

Two years passed since a military transport helicopter belonging to Azerbaijan’s State Border Service crashed north of the capital with 18 officers on board, killing 14, SİA reports.

On November 30, 2021, at around 10:40 a.m., a military helicopter of the State Border Service crashed while performing training flights at the "Garaheybat" aviation range located in Khizi district.

As a result of the incident, 14 high-ranking officers were martyred, and 2 people were seriously injured:

Names of martyred servicemen:

1. Colonel Javadov Fuzuli Ali Ibram

2. Colonel-lieutenant Nazirov Emil Nazir

3. Major Hasanov Elmir Mirjalil oglu;

4. Major Ahmadov Elbrus Samraddin

5. Major Mayilov Emil Shahid

6. Major Mammadov Murad Yashar

7. Major Aliyev Emil Elman

8. Captain of the medical service Ahmadkhanov Jeyhun Khanlar

9. Captain Bayramli Javid Ahliman

10. Captain Aliyev Khayyam Alikhan

11. Captain Garaisayev Teymur Anvar

12. Lieutenant Suleymanov Abdulla Telman

13. Senior Lieutenant Nagiyev Farid Tayyar

14. Nabiyev Elchin Fikret (reserved colonel).

During the incident, Lieutenant Colonel Jafarov Emil Mammad and Captain Adilov Ramin Ramiz were injured.

Regarding the fact, a criminal case has been initiated in the Investigative Department of the General Prosecutor's Office under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code, and the investigation of the criminal case has been taken under special control by the General Prosecutor.

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