France boosts direct investments in Azerbaijan by 25 times

In 2024, France's direct foreign investments (FDI) in Azerbaijan's economy totaled $121.91 million, marking a 25-fold increase compared to the previous year.

Report informs, citing the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, that this growth amounted to $117.06 million, with French investments accounting for 1.7% of Azerbaijan's total FDI.

Meanwhile, Azerbaijan invested $19.22 million into France's economy in 2024, a decrease of 2.43%, representing 1.1% of the total FDI in France.

The total FDI in Azerbaijan in 2024 reached $7.046 billion, a 5.83% increase compared to the previous year.

In 2023, French investments in Azerbaijan were significantly lower at $4.85 million, while the total FDI in the country stood at $6.66 billion.

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