Baku and Budapesht discussed delivery of gas from Azerbaijan to Hungarian market

Minister of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Parviz Shahbazov had meetings with Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Hungary Péter Szijjártó and Minister of Energy of the Republic of Hungary Csaba Lantos in Budapest, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan told APA.

According to information, in the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Siyarto, satisfaction was expressed with the results of the ministerial meeting on the development and transmission of green energy, and the importance of accelerating the processes related to the establishment of the Joint Enterprise was noted. It was emphasized that the transfer of a large amount of green energy from Azerbaijan will play an important role in the realization of the "Caspian-Black Sea-European Green Energy Corridor" as an efficient project. It was also noted that Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan are interested in transferring electricity from Central Asia to Europe through this corridor. The strategic importance of the project was assessed in terms of creating a bridge between Azerbaijan and the European Union, including Hungary.

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