YouTube Removes Armenian Plagiarism of Famous Azerbaijani Song

As we reported in the media recently, the lyrics and music of the song "Garabagh" ("Anadır arzulara hər zaman Qarabağ"), which belong to the Azerbaijani composer Bahram Nasibov, were altered and performed by Gor Yepremyan and posted on YouTube under the title "Sirun jan," with the description "Armenian Folk," implying it as an "Armenian folk song," APA reports.

The Ministry of Culture on July 10 and the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan on July 9 issued a joint statement regarding the illegal appropriation of the music of Azerbaijani composer Bahram Nasibov's piece titled "Garabagh" and other violations of copyright.

Appropriate work is being done on the deletion of other audio and video recordings of the song "Sirun jan" currently placed on digital music platforms ("Youtube Music", "Spotify", "Apple Music", "Amazon Music", "Deezer", etc.) by the distribution company "CD BABY", taken from the original source that caused the violation of rights and placed in derivative sources.

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