Occupation of Avdeevka results in tens of thousands of Russian casualties - Critics Question the Meaningfulness of the Actions

The occupation of Avdeevka has led to tens of thousands of dead and injured Russian soldiers. Today, people in Russia are increasingly noting the capture of the Ukrainian city, but there are also those who question the significance of the government's actions.

The losses in Avdeevka are a significant blow to the Russian army, SIA reports with reference to foreign media.

Russian political analyst Olga Kurnosova told Channel 24 that 'not everyone in Russia understands the gravity of the situation'.

Recall that Russia's Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu criticized Vladimir Putin for the capture of Avdeevka.

And Putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the units involved in the occupation, expressing gratitude for the "successful military operations."

Nevertheless, Russia's military and political leadership prefers not to dwell on the cost at which Russians could take control of the Ukrainian city, focusing solely on the fact of the new "victory."

The larger the captured territory, the better it appears to Putin. The loss of lives and the erasure of cities from the surface are indifferent matters to him. He does not care about others; the main goal is to stay in power forever. That's all he is working for.

Olga Kurnosova writes.

Russians are pleased with their army's new territorial achievements, even though they are likely unaware of where exactly it is located and what military importance it holds. But even Russian military officers who understand the situation to some extent do not realize the importance of these losses.

Putin, on the other hand, is trying to buy everything with money and silence the families of conscripts.

According to Kurnosova, the information propaganda campaign that began in the Kremlin will soon collapse. After that, the euphoria created by the temporary territorial gains will be short-lived, and the understanding of the losses may soon reach even ordinary Russians.

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