Iraqi FM discusses "Development Corridor Project" with Turkey

Addressing questions during the Antalya Diplomacy Forum, Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein expressed the significance of the "Development Corridor Project" between Turkey and Iraq, deeming it a truly ambitious initiative.

The Foreign Minister conveyed that this project signifies the establishment of connections between Gulf countries, Iraq, Turkey, and Europe, showcasing its regional importance.

Fuad Hussein, in response to queries, underlined the shared concern over the PKK terrorist organization, emphasizing its problematic nature for both nations. Stressing the constitutional framework, he highlighted the necessity of preventing any group or organization from launching attacks against other countries from Iraqi territory.

"The PKK terrorist organization poses challenges for both countries," he added.

The minister informed that negotiations with Turkey on this matter have commenced within the constitutional framework. He recalled a meeting held in Ankara in December as part of these diplomatic efforts, signaling ongoing cooperation and dialogue between the two nations.

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