Ukrainian Defense Forces neutralize Russia's Murom-M' Surveillance System

Ukrainian defense forces have once again successfully destroyed the Russia's "Murom-M" surveillance system, SIA reports with reference to foreign media.

This time, fighters from the 117th separate territorial defense brigade, known as "Korvus," launched an attack against the PUA company, successfully targeting the enemy objective. A video capturing the actions of the defenders was shared on the brigade's Facebook page, showcasing their effective operation.

The video illustrates Ukrainians once again outsmarting the invaders, rendering the enemy's surveillance point in the Sumy region non-functional.

It is noted that the enemy had control over the surveillance post, overseeing the Sumy region border.

The attack by "Korvus" of PUA company is commendable, highlighting the effective work of the 117th TrO. The "Murom-M" surveillance, operated by the enemy on the Sumy region border, has been successfully neutralized.

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