Moldovan Opposition calls for unified popular will to overthrow current government

It is not the unity of politicians but the singular will of the citizens that is needed to overthrow the current government.

One of the leaders of the opposition Moldova Resurgence party, Alexander Sukhodolski, wrote on his Telegram channel, SIA reports with reference to Russian media.

"Society in Moldova should unite, not politicians," stated Sukhodolski.

He urges citizens to openly assess and discern the events, emphasizing that the main goal is to remove the current authorities through participation in elections.

For the past two years, the Moldovan opposition has been demanding the resignation of the government and President Sandu through protest actions. Demonstrators accuse the authorities of economic and energy crises, exerting pressure on the opposition. The activities of the Shor party have been banned in the country, and other opposition figures face constant searches and arrests.

Igor Dodon, the leader of the Socialist Party, reported in December of last year that negotiations were conducted among opposition forces to unite and present a single candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, scheduled for the fall of this year.

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