Azerbaijan, Libya hail mutual support within international organizations

Speaker of Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova met with Ambassador of Libya to the country Ali Salem Nasser. Highlighting the friendly relations between the two countries, the sides hailed the good level of political relations.

They emphasized that there are great opportunities for the development of bilateral relations in other domains as well.

The two underlined that Azerbaijan and Libya provide mutual support on all issues within international organizations.

Speaker Sahiba Gafarova noted that both during and after the occupation Libya has always supported Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity.

The parties lauded the high level of cooperation within the Non-Aligned Movement and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

During the conversation, the two exchanged views on enhancing cooperation between the two parliaments.

Speaker Sahiba Gafarova described the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network, which was established at the initiative of the President of Azerbaijan, as one of the vital mechanisms for the expansion of cooperation between the two countries’ legislative authorities. She highlighted the activities of the Parliamentary Network.

During the meeting, Ali Salem Nasser extended his congratulations on June 26 – the Armed Forces Day of Azerbaijan. The ambassador said that he would spare no effort to strengthen the relations between the two countries and peoples during his tenure in Azerbaijan. The diplomat emphasized the importance of the crucial measures undertaken by Azerbaijan both during the Chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement and within the other international organizations.

The parties also exchanged views on other issues of mutual interest.

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