Azerbaijan has right to demand compensation from Armenia, AIR Center Chairman says

"We have the right to bring up the issue of compensation before Armenia," Chairman of the Center of Analysis of International Relations (AIR Center) Farid Shafiyev said as he delivered a speech at an event held on "Peace and Cooperation Prospects in South Caucasus" which was co-organized by the AIR Center and the Faculty of International Relations and Economics of the Baku State University (BSU), APA reports.

"Our territories have been kept under occupation for 30 years and Armenia, which is pursuing a policy of aggression against Azerbaijan, has tried to introduce itself to the world as the oppressed side. The modern realities show a completely different view to the world. Everyone sees that Azerbaijan wants to achieve peace, but Armenia isolates itself form this process. There is one country in South Caucasus witch isolates itself in order to achieve peace and that is Armenia, and it has isolated itself both in economical and political terms," - he emphasized.

He noted that the steps taken by Azerbaijan are directly aimed at ensuring peace.

"We want stability and development in the region. The peaceful civilians are losing their lives and health as a result of the landmines planted in Azerbaijani territories by the Armenian army, which has committed countless war crimes. The Armenian side must pay compensation to our country for the damage they caused in the territories of Azerbaijan during the occupation period. We have the right to demand this compensation," Farid Shafiyev noted.

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