Over 80 dead dolphins found after fuel oil spill in Kerch Strait

The number of dead dolphins after the tanker crash and the fuel oil spill in the Kerch Strait has reached 84 individuals, director of the Delphi Scientific and Ecological Dolphin Rescue Center Tatiana Beley told Interfax, SİA informs.

"According to the latest data, 84 dolphins have been recorded whose deaths occurred after December 15," Beley said.

She noted that the number of discarded dead dolphins has decreased since the end of January.

"So far, we cannot predict how many dolphins will die in the future. Cetaceans may have delayed effects: accumulated toxicants in the body can lead to a significant decrease in immunity and various diseases," Beley added.

On January 23, it was reported about 70 dead dolphins were found after a fuel oil spill.

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