Belarussian Police detain 200 teenagers belonging to PMC Redan group

Police have detained 200 supporters of the Redan Group in the Belarusian city of Gomel, 183 of whom were minors.

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus released a statement on Wednesday, SIA reports.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country reports that supporters of the so-called Redan Group gathered near the Sekret (Secret) shopping and entertainment centre in Gomel following appeals published on social media and instant messengers.

The ministry notes that police officers detained 200 people, 183 of whom were minors.

In relation to the participants of the meeting brought to the department, an inspection is carried out, a legal assessment is given to their actions. Adolescents under 16 face a warning with registration with the PDN inspection, the agency clarifies. Those over the age of 16 will be held administratively liable.

“The Redan PMC subculture appeared as an imitation of the Japanese cartoon Hunter x Hunter about the crime group Geneya Redan, and is notable for the possible participation of its supporters in mass fights in shopping centers,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs said.

Although the abbreviation "PMC" attached to the back of "Redan" is associated with "private military company", it should be noted that there is no logic to this meaning.

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