Hikmet Hajiyev participates in political dialogue in the "NATO + Azerbaijan" format in Brussels and conducted several meetings

Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan - Head of the Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev visited Belgium on June 12-13.

Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Hikmet Hajiyev participated in a political dialogue in the "NATO + Azerbaijan" format at NATO's headquarters in Brussels, joined by representatives from allied nations.

During the event, Hikmet Hajiyev engaged in discussions with representatives of allied nations regarding the current state and prospects of Azerbaijan-NATO partnership, the significant role of Azerbaijan in the development of regional transportation connections, ensuring energy security in Europe, preparations for COP29, the country’s climate and green solidarity agenda, as well as the process of normalization of relations with Armenia and the advancement of the peace agenda.

Representatives of allied nations expressed their support for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty, lauded the country's relations with the Alliance as a reliable partner, and Azerbaijan's contributions to NATO missions and operations, as well as its humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. Additionally, the important role of Azerbaijan in regional transportation connections and European energy security was emphasized. They applauded the country's efforts in transitioning to green energy and combating climate change, expressing support for Azerbaijan's presidency of COP29. They declared their full support for the normalization process and the peace agenda between Azerbaijan and Armenia, appreciating the latest agreement reached on the delimitation of the state border between the two countries.

During his visit, Hikmet Hajiyev also held meetings with NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General James Appathurai, NATO Secretary-General's Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia Javier Colomina, and Turkiye's Permanent Representative to NATO, Zeki Levent Gümrükçü.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of signing the Partnership for Peace Framework Document, which forms the basis of Azerbaijan-NATO partnership.

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