Azerbaijan firmly supports the territorial integrity of China - MP Aydın Huseynov

"Azerbaijan firmly upholds the principle of respecting the territorial integrity of all states, as endorsed by the UN and other international bodies. Any attempts to undermine the sovereignty of other nations are not acceptable. In this regard, the elections held in Taiwan, which is internationally recognized as part of the People's Republic of China, cannot be deemed valid and lack legal justification.

Azerbaijan does not acknowledge these elections, as they disrespect China's sovereignty over Taiwan," MP Aydın Huseynov said in his statement to SIA.

After gaining independence, Azerbaijan established equal political relations with China, as stated by the deputy.

He emphasized that the foundation for these high-level relations was laid by our great leader Heydar Aliyev's official visit to China in 1994: "Over the years, the mutual visits of the heads of state have further strengthened stable relations in the political, economic, humanitarian, and cultural fields. President Ilham Aliyev's visits to China and meetings with Chinese leaders at international events have greatly contributed to the expansion of cooperation between the two countries. As a permanent member of the UN, China has consistently supported Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and border inviolability, repeatedly acknowledging that Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan. Furthermore, even after Azerbaijan's historic victory, Beijing has expressed its intention to contribute to the development of the newly liberated areas."

MP Huseynov also highlighted the growing economic relations between Azerbaijan and China.

He stated that the joint cooperation of Chinese companies in various sectors such as oil, industry, energy, finance, banking, communication, ICT, agriculture, and non-oil industries has created a favorable investment environment.

"This has led to an increase in the number of Chinese investors, with around 120 Chinese-invested companies currently operating in Azerbaijan. This is a testament to the attractive investment climate of the country. The mutual investments between the two countries have also seen a positive impact due to these factors. Additionally, Azerbaijan has been one of the first countries to support and provide political backing for China's "One Belt - One Road" transport route, which holds great strategic importance for our country," the deputy noted.

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