MFA official: Azerbaijan actively cooperates with China and other BRICS members

Azerbaijan actively cooperates with China and other BRICS members, Mahur Gasimov, head of the Department of Analysis and Strategic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, said while speaking on "The place of BRICS in Azerbaijan's foreign policy" at the event "Azerbaijan and BRICS: opportunities and prospects," Report informs.

According to him, Azerbaijan builds its relations with foreign countries based on the principles of respect for territorial integrity and mutual respect in general: "Azerbaijan has contributed to global security and peace. Looking at the humanitarian dimension of our foreign policy, the events held in the last one or two years have been of great importance. We have provided humanitarian aid worth $330 million to more than 30 countries. Today, we are actively participating in the fight against climate change."

The representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Azerbaijan closely follows the activities of BRICS.

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