Georgian Representative urges reconsideration of PACE Resolution on Azerbaijani delegation's powers

Georgian Parliament Stands in Solidarity with Azerbaijan

Givi Mikanadze, the head of the Georgian parliamentary delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), has written a letter to PACE President Theodoros Rousopoulos regarding the resolution adopted during the PACE session not to ratify the powers of the delegation from the National Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

This information was shared by the Press and Public Relations Department of the National Assembly, SIA reports citing AZERTAC.

The letter emphasizes that such harsh decisions are adopted without thorough discussion and analysis, raising concerns about the future relations between PACE and Azerbaijan and the potential negative consequences for PACE itself.

The head of the Georgian delegation believes that this resolution complicates future cooperation and dialogue with Azerbaijan within the framework of PACE, impacting mutual activities in the South Caucasus region. Furthermore, it undermines the mission and influence of the Council of Europe as an important platform for dialogue and cooperation.

In addition to conflicting with the values and obligations of the Council of Europe, the resolution may contribute to a further polarization and undermine the trust that is particularly valuable for collaboration among PACE member states.

Considering the above, Mikanadze urges a reconsideration of the resolution to prevent detrimental consequences and ensure that it aligns with the interests of the Council of Europe.

The letter concludes by expressing confidence that the annulment of this resolution would serve the best interests of the Council of Europe.

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