President of National Assembly of Northern Cyprus invites Azerbaijani Speaker to visit Lefkosa

A telephone conversation took place between President of the National Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Zorlu Töre and Speaker of Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis Sahiba Gafarova.

Zorlu Töre congratulated Speaker Sahiba Gafarova on the occasion of the sacred holiday of the Muslims - Eid al-Adha.

President of the National Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Zorlu Töre expressed gratitude for the excellent organization and hospitality of the 13th plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic States (TURKPA).

Zorlu Töre invited the Speaker of the Azerbaijani Milli Majlis to visit the city of Lefkosa.

The President of the National Assembly of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus also had a telephone conversation with Javanshir Feyziyev, the head of the Milli Majlis working group for the Azerbaijan-Northern Cyprus inter-parliamentary relations, and Orhan Erdem, the head of the Türkiye- TRNC inter-parliamentary friendship group.

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