We highly appreciate Azerbaijan`s accomplishments - Aleksandr Lukashenko

During an official visit to Belarus, Sahiba Gafarova, the Speaker of Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis, met with Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko.

President Lukashenko expressed optimism that her visit would further strengthen the relationship between the parliaments of the two countries. He praised the strategic relations between Belarus and Azerbaijan, highlighting their foundation of trust, mutual respect, friendship, and cooperation.

President Lukashenko acknowledged the significant contributions of Azerbaijanis during the liberation of Belarus from Nazi occupation, especially in the year marking the 80th anniversary of this liberation. He recalled his recent visit to Azerbaijan and meetings with President Ilham Aliyev, commending Azerbaijan's achievements under President Aliyev's leadership. Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that he has had a long-standing friendship with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev since the time when Ilham Aliyev's father, Heydar Aliyev, was leading the country. “He was a very shrewd man,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said. “Ilham Aliyev is a worthy successor of his father's deeds. Probably, he has done so much in history that hardly any President after Ilham Heydarovich will be able to repeat it.”

Describing the relations between the parliaments of the two countries, the Belarusian President stressed: “They are developing very well. This is the case when inter-parliamentary ties keep pace with the level of relations between the leaders of our states.

Speaker Sahiba Gafarova conveyed greetings from President Ilham Aliyev to President Lukashenko, who reciprocated by asking Gafarova to convey his greetings to President Aliyev. Gafarova emphasized the high-level relations between the heads of state and noted that the documents signed during reciprocal visits have significantly boosted bilateral ties. She highlighted the positive influence of mutual parliamentary activities on both bilateral and multilateral relations.

The meeting also discussed the development of economic and commercial cooperation between the two countries and the existing potential in this realm.

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