Azerbaijani President exspresses condolences to French President over Paris attacks

14 Noyabr 2015 12:05 (UTC+04:00)

Azerbaijani President Ilham ALiyev has sent a mesage of condolence to French Presdient Francois Hollande over the Paris terror attacks, SIA reports.

The letter of condolence says:

We were deeply saddened by the news of a heavy loss of life and damage as a result of ruthless terrorist attacks in the city of Paris.

We are extremely angered by this horrible incident, resolutely condemn terror and comprehensively support fight against all its manifestations.

In this difficult time our thoughts are with the people of France, with you.

On behalf of the people of Azerbaijan and on my own behalf I extend my deep condolences to you, families, loved ones of those who died and the whole people of France, and wish those injured soonest recovery.